First discussion: engineers & ICT in sustainability
This blog was born as an assigned task of the subject 'Information and Comunication Tecnologies' of the master in Sustainability Science and Technology of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
Some of the future publications will be in response to task of the master, some about sustainability and other ones about the personal interests of the blog owner.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes I can make writing in english and for the mix of languages that can appear here, feel free to use the traslator anytime you want.
The first discussion of the blog will be about the competences of the engineers relating ICTs and sustainability.
The competence represents the particular subject that is going to be analized:
Some of the future publications will be in response to task of the master, some about sustainability and other ones about the personal interests of the blog owner.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes I can make writing in english and for the mix of languages that can appear here, feel free to use the traslator anytime you want.
The first discussion of the blog will be about the competences of the engineers relating ICTs and sustainability.
The competence represents the particular subject that is going to be analized:
- Takes into account the social impact of his/her work as an engineer.
To evaluate the knowledge and the capacity of the professional in engineering in applying concepts, three domain levels will be established:
1. Is able to maximize the positive impact of his/her professional activity on society. Is capable of designing projects that contribute to improve the common good of society.
2. Can assess whether an engineering project contributes to improving the common good of society.
3. Knows the direct and indirect consequences that the products and services related to the ICT engineering have on the society.
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